Born in Belgrade. Completed his degree in 1980 in acting at the Faculty of Dramatic Arts in Belgrade. That year he joined the ensemble of the Atelje 212 Theatre and is still there as an actor and manager. In the meantime he had many successful projects with other theatres in Zagreb, Novi Sad, Maribor...
Had roles in 59 feature films, TV series, TV productions, mostly produced in ex-Yugoslavia, Serbia and Montenegro, some of them produced abroad. He has worked with distinguished directors in national and international cinematography: Dusan Makavejev, Zivojin Pavlovic, Stole Popov, Bata Cnegic, Enki Bilal, Boris Jurjasevic, Goran Rebic, Eduard Galic, Aleksandar Petkovic, Goran Paskaljevic, Miroslav Lekic, Franco Rossi and Milos Radivojevic.
Had guest appearances in various theatre productions in Yugoslavia, Canada, Austria, Switzerland, Great Britain, Slovenia and Croatia.
In the past 25 years awarded for his acting on all major film and theatre festivals in Yugoslavia.
In 1997 Belgrade City Council appointed him as the General Manager of Atelje 212 theatre. He works as actor, manager and film producer.
Member of The European Film Academy since 2003.
Filmography as actor:
- Reject (2006)
- Balkanska braca (2005)
- Budjenje iz mrtvih (2004)
- Banatska prica (2004)
- Pogled sa Ajfelovog tornja (2004)
- Mathilde (2004) Paragic
- Donau, Duna, Dunaj, Dunav, Dunarea (2003) .... Nicola
- Ljeto u zlatnoj dolini (2003) .... Ramiz ... aka Été dans la vallée d'or, L' (2004) (France)
... aka Summer in the Golden Valley (2003) (International: English title)
- Art (2003) (TV) .... Serz
- Aurora (2002) .... Gospodin
- Drzava mrtvih (2002) ... aka Janez (2002)
- Lavirint (2002) .... Tomas ... aka Labyrinth (2002) (International: English title)
- Belgrado Sling (2001)
- Prolece u Limasolu (1999) (TV) .... Mumin
- Tockovi (1999) .... Milan ... aka Wheels (1999)
- Noz (1999) .... Selim Osmanovic
- Nikoljdan 19 Savior (1998) 01. godine (1998) (TV) .... Dr. Mirko .... Croat Officer
- Tango je tuzna misao koja se plese (1997)
- Tykho Moon (1996) .... Le Sbire
- Ubistvo s predumisljajem (1995) .... Debeli ... aka Premeditated Murder (1995) (USA)
- Ni na nebu ni na zemlji (1994) .... Nikola
- Vukovar poste restante (1994) .... Croatian officer ... aka Vukovar (1994)
- Napadac (1993) (TV)
- Tesla (1993) (TV) .... Nikola Tesla
- Gorilla Bathes at Noon (1993) .... Lazutkin ... aka Gorila se kupa u podne (1993)
- Dezerter (1992) ... aka Deserter (1992)
- Tango argentino (1992) .... Popovicev sin
- Srecna dama (1991) .... Frenk... aka Queen of Hearts (1991)
- Tetoviranje (1991) .... Njuskalo
- Tamnicari (1990)
- Gluvi barut (1990) .... Zunzara ... aka Silent Gunpowder (1990)
- Boj na Kosovu (1989) .... Milan Toplica, srpski plemic
- Bunker Palace Hôtel (1989) .... Marco
- Sveti Georgije ubiva azdahu (1989) (TV) .... Porucnik Tasic
- Vreme cuda (1989) .... Mladic
- "Vreme cuda" (1989) (mini) TV Series .... Mladic ... aka "Time of Miracles" (1989) (mini)
- Poseban osvrt na srecu (1988) (TV) .... Branko Tomic
- Manifesto (1988) .... Rudi Kugelhopf ... aka Night of Love, A (1988) (video title)
- Dom Bergmanovih (1987) (TV) .... Danijel
- Ivanov (1987) (TV) .... Ivanov
- Na putu za Katangu (1987) .... Pavle Bezuha
- Uvek spremne zene (1987) .... Zeleni
- "Vuk Karadzic" (1987) TV Series .... Petar Nikolajevic-Moler
- Dikij veter (1986) .... Svetozar Sekulic ... aka Divlji vetar (1986) ... aka Wild Wind (1986)
- Srecna nova '49 (1986) .... Kosta Kovacevski
- Dzoging (1984) (TV)
- Maj nejm iz Mitar (1984) (TV)
- Zid (1984) (TV)
- Kako sam sistematski unisten od idiota (1983) .... Student rukovodilac
... aka How I Was Systematically Destroyed by an Idiot (1983)
- Karadjordjeva smrt (1983) (TV) .... Toma Vucic Perisic
- Zadah tela (1983) ... aka Body Scent (1983) (informal literal title)
- Divlje meso (1982) (TV)
- Stepenice za nebo (1982) .... Slobodan
- Berlin kaputt (1981)
- Montenegro (1981) .... Montenegro ... aka Montenegro - Or Pigs and Pearls (1981)
- Hajduk (1980) .... Kondic Ivan
- "Svetozar Markovic" (1980) (mini) TV Series .... Sergej Necajev
- Dani od snova (1980) ... aka Days of Dreams (1980) (International: English title)
- "Sedam sekretara SKOJ-a" (1978) (mini) TV Series .... Pero Popovic - Aga